Thursday 23 February 2012

Psalm 11 verse 3 (KJV): If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

It never ceases to amaze me how many professing Christians deny that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. I have even had discussions with so called ministers who have said that only parts of the bible are inspired whilst other parts like the account of creation in Genesis chapter one, are simply a collection of stories.

I guess these individuals have their own reasons for denying the inspiration of God's Word and no doubt those reasons range from sincerely having accepted and believed a lie about the origins of man, to simply being so convicted and challenged by the truth of God's Word that they simply don't want to accept its authority.

As Christians, surely we must realise that denying the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures is an absolutely foolish practice. In doing so we are undermining and totally destroying the foundations upon which the LORD's church must be built. When we deny the inspiration of the 'Living Word of God' we literally rob the scriptures of their authenticity and their authority, and without God's authority in His Word, we would no longer be subject to the Bible's commandments and teachings.

Have you ever had your teenagers ask you "but why?' I've gotta tell you, that it has always been a blessing to be able to teach and show from the scriptures exactly why we as Christians, do the things that we do, and to respond because "God's Word says"!

You see when you hold fast to the truth that is found in 2nd Timothy 3:16 and 2nd Peter 1: 20-21; you can teach a bible principle to your teenagers and be standing in the authority of God's Word. It's not just your own opinion, it is a God established principle for living our lives!

God has given us His Word so that we may know His will, and with that knowledge He wants us to stand confidently in His righteousness (Hebrews chapter 3). If I am questioning the authenticity and authority of God's Word, how confidently will I stand on a righteous principle if my stand comes under attack or persecution? As Christians we need to have the confidence and conviction that comes from knowing that we are standing exactly where God wants us to stand. There is comfort in knowing that where we stand, and what we believe, is authorised by God, and it is in this knowledge that 'Strong Christians' are born.    

Another point that I would ask you to reason with me for a moment.

Have we ever considered the ramifications of believing that the bible is not the inspired Word of God, and that the account of creation in Genesis is merely a story or a legend?

It would literally mean that we have not been saved yet!

Why? You may ask.

Well let's think about it for a minute. Jesus gave His full sanction to the writings of Moses ( Matthew 5:17 - 20; Luke 24: 44). Moses was used of God to write the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Old Testament).

Therefore if when Moses wrote 'In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth' Gen 1:1 then that must be truth. If it is not truth then Jesus gave his full sanction to a lie and as such He would have lied Himself. If Jesus lied then He sinned, and if He sinned He could not die for our sins, because God required a perfect sinless sacrifice and therefore we are still in need of a Saviour.

Praise God that Jesus was our perfect sinless Saviour and that He came to save His people from their sins!

When Jesus gave Moses' writings His full sanction He was also affirming that this wonderful Book that I hold in my hand, this Word of Life is truly the inspired Word of God. As such you can trust in its authenticity, and you can rely on its authority because man may have been used as a vessel to pen the words but in reality God is the author!

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